End of summer musings of a GSoC’22 contributor

As the saying goes, “all good things have to come to an end”, and I would certainly say that GSoC’22 has certainly fallen under this category. The past month or so has passed by in a blur. I spent the time working on refactoring parts of the code base to allow for greater flexibility in switching between using a local and AWS setup. While there are some frustrations and still some outstanding issues to resolve (CORS, I’m looking at you), it was really satisfying to be able to run the code and see it work after many hours of planning and debugging.

Aside from the standard business of coding, I was really glad to have been able to meet people on my GSoC journey as well. Valentina and Scott have been proactive in networking and trying to connect us to different people from around the world. We were fortunate to have the opportunity to meet Tom Denton from Google, who’s doing some really interesting work on bioacoustics.

The summer ended with on a high note, where all GSoC students presented at the HALLO workshop. It was really gratifying, being able to showcase my work in front of such a large audience of esteemed, oceanographers, scientists, and developers. I have attached my slide deck here for anyone interested in finding out more on what I presented.

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