Get notified when Orcasound detects interesting underwater sounds. If orcas or other sounds are heard on our hydrophones, we’ll send you a notification. Detections come from humans — you! — and/or machines we’re training to listen with us. Notifications come with a link to the live stream and a conservation action you can complete for the whales while you listen to them. If you miss an amazing live event, we include links to recordings and analysis — including blog posts by experts about the astounding array of sounds we hear in orca habitat.
Re-connect with nature and listen for whales, whenever the orcas come calling. Please sign up for notifications and help us measure our conservation effect using the form below. Also, please remember to Be Whale Wise (including following all local and Federal laws) if you’re heading out to sea. You can also get notified by following Orcasound on social networks: