I couldn’t sleep last night and ended up in front of the computer. Wondering whether to read about the Muller… Read more Unusual SRKW calls at 2 a.m. in Haro Strait, and then ship noise (again)

I couldn’t sleep last night and ended up in front of the computer. Wondering whether to read about the Muller… Read more Unusual SRKW calls at 2 a.m. in Haro Strait, and then ship noise (again)
In the December darkness of a recent Friday night (~18:00 on 12/7/18) Orcasound app listeners witnessed a rare and unprecedented live… Read more Bigg’s bangs: the sound of marine mammal death heard live?
A couple hours ago in the dark December night, attentive listeners monitoring the live stream from the Orcasound Lab hydrophones… Read more Humpback and Bigg’s killer whales serenading in the darkness
Over the winter of 2017-2018 a team of acoustic experts, hardware geeks, and software developers have been working to realize… Read more Orcasound’s new live-audio solution: from hydrophone to headphone with a Raspberry Pi computer and HLS/DASH streaming software
After coming up with a new deployment scheme that we believe will be optimal for replacing or establishing Orcasound hydrophone… Read more Back-up calibrated hydrophone deployed